Lord I’m GASSY!

29 Mar

I don’t get it.

Everything I read says EAT MORE GREENS FATASS! So I do. I make a conscious effort to throw something green and natural into every meal.

The last two days when I’ve done this, I’ve gotten incredibly gassy and bloated. I’ve made a point of not eating anything else that could possibly cause it (like dairy or pop) and still end up sitting here feeling like I’m going to float off like a balloon at a funeral. THEN the “expulsion” begins.

I could power myself to Tokyo I believe. It sucks, since now someone sits next to me, so I have to hold it in until I feel like I want to die.

This all culminates in a brief but loud session in the bathroom ending in butt pukes.

I don’t get it. I don’t use copious amounts of dressing (I don’t like dressing, and if I do use some, it’s a vinaigrette, nothing dairy based) I don’t eat much in the way of onions with it. Aren’t greens supposed to make you feel good? I eat beans all the time, and I get nothing like this.

The day this happened with broccolli I understood. But this? This is driving me insane.

Please help the fat bloated lady! If this keeps up, I’ll just return to eating grease.

9 Responses to “Lord I’m GASSY!”

  1. bine March 29, 2007 at 4:24 pm #

    how long have you been trying to “eat green”?
    if you’re not used to some amounts of roughage, you may just need some time to take to it.
    or maybe you really are allergic to something. did the bloating and the itching start at the same time? my urticaria reacted to tomatoes, peppers and apples mostly. are you maybe eating the proverbial apple a day?
    if you think there might be a connection, you should mention this to your doc.
    oh, and i heard tokyo can be quite nice for a couple of days. just make sure to take a translator whenever you go to a restaurant.

  2. Marcy March 29, 2007 at 6:14 pm #

    I don’t feel like looking it up, but I bet it wouldn’t be too hard to find a list of vegetables and which ones are most likely to cause gas… like peppers, onions, broccoli, cucumbers…

  3. Jen March 29, 2007 at 6:58 pm #

    That’s how my entire February was…until I developed a wicked aversion to anything vegetable. Your system needs to adjust to more veggies at first, I think, so it should get better.

  4. venessa March 29, 2007 at 7:00 pm #

    When we switched to vegetarian, we were all really gassy for about 2 weeks. Now, we are less so than we were when we ate meat. Now, meat gives me a stomachache.

  5. Heathen March 29, 2007 at 10:17 pm #

    OMG “butt pukes” had me rolfmao!

    I would just go buy some beano, it makes a diet rich in veggies tolerable to your seatmates at work.

  6. Jennifer March 29, 2007 at 10:50 pm #

    LOL! Your poor butt. Your gut bacteria is probably out of whack right now as well. That will cause great intestinal pain, bloating and wicked gas. Sure sign is if you can clear the room. THEN you know you’ve got some bad bacteria with some die off happening going on.

  7. Jason Dufair March 29, 2007 at 11:12 pm #

    I kind of like having gas. Kind of like sneezing. It’s a microcosm of life. Pain, pleasure, repeat. A mini-samsara. Here’s to finding bowel enlightenment and gastrointestinal nirvana, Thor.

  8. Heather March 29, 2007 at 11:58 pm #

    Yep, beano.

  9. Oh, The Joys March 30, 2007 at 4:13 pm #

    Oh, honey. Me too, me too.

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